Ресторан «Бочонок рома»

Творческое задание по предмету «Английский язык», 8 класс

Требование к заданию: создать вывеску-рекламу, привлекающую посетителей в ресторан. Описываем, чем привлекателен ресторан, в данном случае, «Бочонок рома», какова его атмосфера, примерное меню — салаты, основные блюда, напитки, десерт — и акции.

творческое задание по английскому языку

Restaurant “The Barrel of Rum”®

There are a lot of seafood and fish in our restaurant. The menu of our restaurant consists of a cheap food, but humans can find exotic seafood which is more expensive. There are a lot of drinks in our restaurant: from rum and Spanish wine to mineral water and Cola.

In our restaurant you will find yourself in the pirate ship atmosphere.
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Some points from our menu:


  • Sea staff salad – 50 roubles
  • Vegetable salad – 75 roubles
  • Vegetarian soup – 80 roubles
  • Fish soup – 100 roubles

Main course:

  • Smoked salmon with mashed potatoes – 300 roubles
  • Fried ides with vegetables – 350 roubles
  • Boiled lobsters with salad – 500 roubles
  • Oysters with lemon juice – 500 roubles
  • Baked in paste grouper – 350 roubles
  • Fried pikeperch with chips and sea staff – 400 roubles
  • Shrimps with sauce – 450 roubles


  • Ice cream – 50-400 roubles
  • Fruit mousse – 70 roubles
  • Cake – 100-600 roubles
  • Fruit – 100-300 roubles

Attention!!! Action!!! If you order food to the sum of more than 1500 roubles, you will get pirate bandana!!!

Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: Окора (14 Ноя 2024)
Просмотров: 30 | Теги: 8 класс, English
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