Августовский путч

Презентация по предмету «Английский язык», 10 класс

August Putsch

Тема презентации: значимое, массовое событие в вашем городе (митинги, демонстрации, протесты, можно также фестивали). 

Целью данной презентации является вовсе не исторический анализ события, а получение навыков изложения на английском языке произошедшего события. Желающих обсудить, кому был выгоден путч, кто стоял за ним, а также узнать мое мнение об этих страницах нашей истории приглашаю в эту тему: Путч-1991. Кто организатор?

August Putsch презентация

August putsch is an attempt of removal Michael Gorbachev from the USSR president’s post. It was launched by self-declared Governmental Committee of Emergency State (GCES) at August, 19, 1991.

August Putsch презентация

At August, 17 the future members of GCES met in the closed residence and decided to form the Committee, to introduce the emergency state and to demand of Michael Gorbachev to bow.

At August, 18 the members of the Committee flied to Crimea in order to obtain Gorbachev’s contest of introducing the emergency state. Gorbachev refused them.

August Putsch презентация

After that all types of communication were switched off at president’s cottage.

At 19 of August the KGB regiment blocked the president’s cottage in Foros.

August Putsch презентация

The members of GCES were Gennady Yanaev, Valentin Pavlov, Boris Pugo, Dmitry Yazov, Vladimir Kruchkov, Oleg Baklanov, Vasily Starodubtsev and Alexander Tizyakov.

August Putsch презентация

At the morning of August, 19 tanks began movement onto roads of Moscow.

August Putsch презентация

The meeting for Boris Eltsin and democracy began near the monument of Yury Dolgoruky in Moscow. The president of Russia Boris Eltsin arrived to Moscow White House and refused to recognize GCES.

August Putsch презентация

The first columns of demonstrators went on Manege square. Some thousands of citizens went on the square near the White House. People began to barricade.

August Putsch презентация

At August, 20 the municipal authorities began the meeting against GCES. 100,000 people took place on this meeting. 50,000 people took place on the meeting near the Mossovet.

August Putsch презентация

At the night of August, 21 Dmitry Komar’, Vladimir Usov and Ilya Krichevsky died in the underground tunnel which was full of armed vehicles on the cross of Kalinin prospect and Sadovoe Ring.

August Putsch презентация

At the August, 21 the aircraft with putschists on the board landed in Crimea’s airdrome. Gorbachev refused to receive them.

August Putsch презентация

By another aircraft vice-president of Russia Alexander Rutskoy and prime minister Ivan Silaev flied in Foros.

At the August, 22 at night this aircraft with Gorbachev on the board landed in Vnukovo-2 airport.

August Putsch презентация

The most of GCES members were arrested. At the day time the meeting of winners took place near the White House.

August Putsch презентация

At the end at December, 1991 the heads of three republics of USSR, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus – Eltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich respectively – signed so-called “Belovezh agreement” and USSR became extinct.

August Putsch презентация

Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: Окора (19 Ноя 2024)
Просмотров: 102 | Теги: English, Россия, Презентация, СССР, 10 класс
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